Start of "Devin's Handspan Diary" : artist's journey
Greetings :-)
Hello, everyone!
My name is Devin, and currently, I am an international graduate student who is currently studying for a Ph.D. in art education, and an artist-teacher who studies and practices visual-inquiry, visual journaling, visual narrative, and visual storytelling.
Initially, so far, I have been recording my daily life, thoughts, and emotions by sharing my drawing essays, "Devin's Handspan Diary" through Korean blog accounts and Instagram since 2017. However, at some point, I decided to create a personal homepage account and domain because I wanted to share the drawing-essays not only in Korean but also in English through the new platform.
Considering my position of continuously studying and learning English, translating between Korean and English, and describing cross-lingual languages is complicated and tricky. Still, I am paying attention to the meaningful process of growing and training myself to express my stories. Above all, I believe in the power of communication of art that transcends various boundaries and borders, such as language, country, culture, and society.